Fashion & Lifestyle Archives - The Pink Journey news site for women Mon, 20 Jun 2022 17:13:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fashion & Lifestyle Archives - The Pink Journey 32 32 10 EASY YOGA ASANAS FOR DAILY WORKOUTS AND THEIR BENEFITS ]]> Mon, 20 Jun 2022 17:13:32 +0000 Yoga improves your strength and provides us flexibility. Yoga helps in balancing the body weight and promoting better posture. Yoga therapy relaxes your body and mind totally. This kind of therapy also increases blood flow to the heart muscles. The practice of yoga improves your bodies healing abilities.  Daily yoga workouts can improve your heart […]

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Yoga improves your strength and provides us flexibility. Yoga helps in balancing the body weight and promoting better posture. Yoga therapy relaxes your body and mind totally. This kind of therapy also increases blood flow to the heart muscles. The practice of yoga improves your bodies healing abilities.  Daily yoga workouts can improve your heart health and reduce stress levels, anxiety, depression and help us sleep better.

So, here are 10 easy yoga asanas for daily workouts and their benefits:

  1. SUKHASANA (THE EASY SITTING POSE): The Sukhasana is very easy to perform for people of all ages.


(a) It helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

(b) It improves focus and helps in being attentive.

(c) It strengthens the back muscles and improves body posture.

(d) It’s a relaxation therapy.

(e) It lengthens the spine and back muscles

  1. CHAKRAVAKASANA (CAT-COW POISE): Chakravakasana may be done as a part of a warm up sequence, a relaxation sequence, or as an exercise to prevent back pain.


(a) Sorts out weakness in upper body

(b) Treats lower back pain

(c) Provides relief from stress

(d) Arthritis or stiffness of the hips and spine

(e) Improves breathing capacity

  1. VRKSHASANA (THE TREE POSE): Vrkshasana is a Sanskrit term that combines the words Vriksha and Asana. Vriksha stands for tree, while Asana stands for posture.


(a) It strengthens the legs, and opens the hips

(b) It improves your neuromuscular coordination

(c) It helps with balance and increases the power of toleration

(d) It improves alertness and concentration

(e) It may help those who suffer from sciatica (nerve pain in the leg)

  1. ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA (DOWNWARD FACING DOG POSE): Adho Mukha Svanasana is a resting inversion pose that builds upper body strength and increases flexibility.


(a) Strengthening of the bones and, thus preventing osteoporosis.

(b) Improved flexibility through the hips, back, arms and legs.

(c) Strengthening of the wrists, arms, legs and shoulders.

(d) Straightening and lengthening of the spine.

(e) Stress relief, insomnia and headaches by improved blood flow.

  1. BALASANA (CHILD’S POSE): Balasasna is a great way to take a break and relax during your yoga practice, or anytime you feel tired. While bowing one’s forehead to the floor can often indicate surrender or weakness in the West, it is a dignified act of humility.


(a) Helps alleviate stress and anxiety

(b) Flexes the body’s internal organs and keeps them supple

(c) It stretches muscles, tendons and ligaments in the knee

(d) It gently stretches the hips, thighs and ankles

(e) Encourages strong and steady breathing

(f) Normalizes circulation throughout the body.

  1. EK PADA RAJAKAPOTASANA (THE PIGEON POSE): Ek Pada Rajakapotasana is a strong hip opener that improves flexibility throughout the body and prepares the yogi for more challenging poses in the king pigeon series.


(a) Opens the hip joint

(b) Helps with urinary disorder

(c) Stimulates the internal organs

(d) Increases hip flexibility

(e) Improves posture, alignment, and overall suppleness

(f) Diminishes lower back pain and stiffness.

  1. TADASANA (MOUNTAIN POSE): Tadasana centers your body and mind, which helps create a calm sense of inner peace. Standing in strong, steady, and centered in Tadasana helps to improve posture, alignment, and balance.


(a) Stimulates the Muladhara Chakra and therefore balances the functioning of large intestines and adrenals

(b) Increases strength, power and mobility in your feet, ankle, thigh and hips

(c) Strengthens the tendons and the ligaments of the feet (helping to reduce the effects of flat feet)

(d) Improves harmony between the right and lewft side of your body

(e) Activates and rejuvenates your entire body

(f) Improves overall posture.

  1. VIPARITA KARINI (LEG UP THE WALL POSE): Viparita Karini is a restorative yoga posture that allows the mind and body to relax, relieving stress and tension. It is one of the most approachable yoga poses as it doesn’t require much flexibility or strength. Even though it is a passive pose, its benefits are amazing.


(a) Regulates blood flow

(b) Alleviates menstrual cramps

(c) Improves digestion

(d) Restores tired feet or legs

(e) Relieves swollen ankles and varicose veins.

  1. VIRABHADRASANA 1 (WARRIOR 1): Virabhadrasana 1 is a standing yoga pose that helps build focus, power and stability.


(a) Strengthens your shoulders, arms, legs, ankles and back

(b) Opens yours hips, chest and lungs

(c) Improves focus, balance and stability

(d) Encourages good circulation and respiration

(e) Stretches your arms, legs, shoulders, neck, belly, groins and ankles

(f) Energizes the entire body.

10. VIRABHADRASANA 1 (WARRIOR 1): Virabhadrasana 1 is a standing yoga pose that helps build focus, power and stability.


(a) Strengthens your shoulders, arms, legs, ankles and back.

(b) Opens yours hips, chest and lungs.

(c) Improves focus, balance and stability.

(d) Encourages good circulation and respiration.

(e) Stretches your arms, legs, shoulders, neck, belly, groins and ankles.

(f) Energizes the entire body.

Inputs by- Rashee

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Spotlight Interview: Fashion and Parenting Influencer Rajeshwari Sharma ]]> Tue, 10 May 2022 11:43:09 +0000 Rajeshwari Sharma, the force behind the Instagram page @missrasika which is about fashion, lifestyle and her mom journey took some time out to share with us about her Influencer journey and being a full time working mom. She sets an example of having a successful social media page along with handling her own career and […]

The post Spotlight Interview: Fashion and Parenting Influencer Rajeshwari Sharma appeared first on The Pink Journey.

Rajeshwari Sharma, the force behind the Instagram page @missrasika which is about fashion, lifestyle and her mom journey took some time out to share with us about her Influencer journey and being a full time working mom. She sets an example of having a successful social media page along with handling her own career and raising a beautiful and smart daughter. She has fabulous feed with twinning pictures with her daughter and eye catching fashion content. Here is what she has to say about her take on Influencer Industry:

How did you land up as an Influencer?

I took a break from my job to start freelancing and to parallelly start something of my own. In this research phase, I started exploring Instagram and created a page for my brand which focuses on parenting stuff. Also created a page separately to record my daughter’s journey (@missrasika). Eventually got connected to some of the moms and attended a few mom-bloggers meetup. After those meetups, I got to know about content creation. I Learned eventually how to work with brands, how to do what and being connected with people. And now almost after 3yrs I am here and enjoying every bit of my IG journey as an Influencer.

What is the scope of the Influencer Industry now?

It is growing rapidly. Brands prefer to work with influencers to promote their brands which is cost effective for them with organic brand awareness and promotion. Also it gives a chance to influencers to explore their horizon and work with big brands which was way difficult earlier. This industry is huge with great potential for both brands and influencers.

How do you plan your content?

I am a very go-getter person who sometimes plans content and sometimes does not. When it comes to brand content, I plan it in a very detailed way. Theme, costume, script, shoot, edit, posting, engagement, almost everything is well planned in advance.

But when it comes to my own content, it depends on the trends and the situations and what’s going around me. It’s all about that idea which pops and I create content accordingly.

What are the threats of this Influencer Industry?

I would say there are no threats if you are doing great for your page and your audience. Your work will be recognized if you deliver good, useful and quality content. Brands will always find you. But the only threat I would say is the people who have good contacts in the PR industry and take advantage of it, barring their poor content or just average content. Some PR’s only work based on their preferences and contacts and do not allow others to work with them. 

The post Spotlight Interview: Fashion and Parenting Influencer Rajeshwari Sharma appeared first on The Pink Journey.

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In Conversation with Fitness Entrepreneur Utsav Ghosh Founder Transmission For Good  PVT LTD Thu, 07 Apr 2022 12:54:56 +0000   Pandemic taught us various lessons of our life. One of the biggest lesson was adopting a healthy lifestyle . We often get confused with this question that what does a healthy lifestyle means. On account of World Health Day we tried to break a few myths about it. We are interacting with a very […]

The post In Conversation with Fitness Entrepreneur Utsav Ghosh Founder Transmission For Good  PVT LTD appeared first on The Pink Journey.

  Pandemic taught us various lessons of our life. One of the biggest lesson was adopting a healthy lifestyle . We often get confused with this question that what does a healthy lifestyle means. On account of World Health Day we tried to break a few myths about it. We are interacting with a very […]

The post In Conversation with Fitness Entrepreneur Utsav Ghosh Founder Transmission For Good  PVT LTD appeared first on Startup Reporter.

Source: Women Entrepreneur

The post In Conversation with Fitness Entrepreneur Utsav Ghosh Founder Transmission For Good  PVT LTD appeared first on The Pink Journey.

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