Lifestyle Archives - The Pink Journey news site for women Mon, 06 Feb 2023 19:20:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lifestyle Archives - The Pink Journey 32 32 You Just Need To Love Yourself More ]]> Mon, 06 Feb 2023 19:20:49 +0000 Scroll through any social media channel, and you are hit with a tidal wave of positivity. Inspirational quotes, self-help book recommendations, Instagram captions- It can feel like you are not loving yourself enough. You might feel like you want to love yourself, and you understand how important it is, but the thoughts in your mind […]

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Scroll through any social media channel, and you are hit with a tidal wave of positivity. Inspirational quotes, self-help book recommendations, Instagram captions- It can feel like you are not loving yourself enough. You might feel like you want to love yourself, and you understand how important it is, but the thoughts in your mind automatically default to negative.

When you have a strong sense of self-love, you understand your own value and treat yourself in a loving way. Unlike narcissism, which is excessive self-absorption and self-interest, self-love is a positive trait. Loving yourself means having a good understanding of both your strengths and weaknesses.

Once we get used to thinking a certain way, we need to bombard ourselves with positivity to reprogram our minds and get them back on track.

Love word is often associated with romantic love, but it’s important to remember to also show love and appreciation for ourselves. Self-love is the foundation for all healthy relationships, and it’s essential for our well-being and happiness. Here are some ways to practice self-love this year:

  1. Take time for self-care. This can include activities like taking a relaxing bath, reading a book, or doing yoga. Do something that makes you feel good and helps you recharge.
  2. Practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a close friend. Don’t be too hard on yourself and forgive yourself for any mistakes or missteps.
  3. Surround yourself with positive influences. Spend time with people who uplift and support you, and limit your exposure to negativity.
  4. Celebrate your accomplishments. Take a moment to reflect on your achievements and all the things you’re proud of. Write them down and keep them somewhere you can see them often.
  5. Set realistic goals. Create a plan for the things you want to achieve, but make sure your goals are achievable and don’t set yourself up for disappointment.
  6. Indulge in your passions. Whether it’s cooking, painting, or playing an instrument, do what you love and what makes you feel fulfilled.
  7. Get adequate rest and nutrition. Taking care of your physical health is key to feeling good and having the energy to pursue the things you love.
  8. List the things you love about yourself. And I mean everything. Get as specific as you can. Include aspects of your personality, things about your appearance, your actions, etc. Nothing is too random.

We may have been told that we “can’t expect anyone to love us until we learn to love ourselves.” But for those of us who’ve experienced childhood trauma, and difficult relationships learning to love ourselves may be a little difficult.

The good news is that self-love is actually a skill you can develop — much like self-confidence or self-trust. And it’s an important one. Most of us tend to toss away compliments instead of embracing and internalizing them. Get into the habit of embracing compliments, acknowledgements, and any other positive regard people want to throw your way.

Self-love is a journey, and it takes time and effort to develop. But with a little patience and self-care, you can create a happier, more fulfilling life for yourself.

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AGGRESSION : A SET BACK ]]> Mon, 20 Jun 2022 17:32:46 +0000 Have you ever wonder how many times a day you get aggressive? Do yourcolleagues call you an angry bird? How many people you upset with your behavior?And how many things you destroy before building due to this aggression?Aggression is that behavior which you build up years ago right when you firstcomforted yourself with the feeling […]

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Have you ever wonder how many times a day you get aggressive? Do your
colleagues call you an angry bird? How many people you upset with your behavior?
And how many things you destroy before building due to this aggression?

Aggression is that behavior which you build up years ago right when you first
comforted yourself with the feeling of anger and then kept comforting yourself and
now has taken a great space of your personality. People today are living an
aggressive lifestyle and thus inviting troubles. Showing aggression can be good at
times, which doesn’t harm others but is a kind of trigger to achieve goals or to save
life, but the aggression that harms humanity either self or other leads to great
destruction .Violence is another name given to such kind of aggression. The reason
behind such aggressive behavior can be conflicts of thoughts, frustration of failures,
immaturity in understanding, not accomplishing goals, greed, jealousy and most
importantly fear. Humans are provoked to react on to situations and they react the
same because of indiscriminative knowledge or weak mental abilities or unstable
mind. Although aggression leads to great outcomes but only when rightly timed ;

Bhishma Pitamah in Mahabharat made only one mistake in his life i.e. not being aggressive when Dropadi was abused which gave him the bed of arrows and when died whereas Jatayu in Ramayan did one good thing in his life was tried to save Sita, which gave him the lap of supreme soul when died.

It is utmost important to learn when to be aggressive and when not. As the morning
mist covers the sunlight, Anger clouds the Intellect and people are more likely to
make mistakes and regret later when clouds disappear.

In chapter 6 verse 63 Shrimad Bhagvatgeeta says;
क्रोधाद्भवति सम्मोह: सम्मोहात्स्मृतितवभ्रम:
स्मृतिभ्रंशाद् बुद्धिनाशो बुद्धिनाशात्प्रणश्यति
|| 63||
krodhād bhavati sammoha sammohāt smiti-vibhrama
smiti-bhranśhād buddhi-nāśho buddhi-nāśhāt praaśhyati

From anger delusion arises and from delusion bewilderment of memory. The person then
forgets what is right and what is wrong, and flows along with the surge of emotions. The
downward descent continues from there, and bewilderment of memory results in destruction
of the intellect. And since the intellect is the internal guide, when it gets destroyed, one is

The Aggressive behavior leads nowhere and is just a home for various physical and
mental disorders known as Adhi and Vyadhi in Yogic texts.

There are various yoga practice that helps to cope up with aggressive behavior. In
this article we are going to learn some of them to calm down your mind and create
a state of peace in your life.

Your breath owns your emotions and your emotions owns your breath. If you know
how to control your breath, you know how to be calm and quite and tackle the
situation. There are two things to be practiced most importantly when you are willing
to change this aggressive lifestyle:

Being aware when anger hits.

Practicing pranayama daily to have good mental health.

1. Being aware when anger hits
Let us start small by just being aware, but aware of what? of your breath, as when
you feel angry or anxious or stressed right away start observing your breath and feel
the pattern you are breathing in ; change the pattern if the breath is uneven or fast
make it slow by taking 10-15 deep breaths and Boom, your emotions are in control
and you are nomore an angry bird and are more responsive than before, you can now
opt for correct decisions and thus inviting abundance of happiness. Start practicing
this, hold on to take deep breaths whenever negative emotions trigger.

2. Practicing pranayama daily to maintain good mental health

Pranayama practice on a regular basis can help you a lot in this journey, one of the
best practice can be Anulom Vilom Pranayama. Anulom Vilom also known as
alternate nostril breathing, is been scientifically proven to activate the
parasympathetic nervous system and thus giving a calm and peaceful mind. To
practice anulom vilom:

Adopt a comfortable pose either with crossed legs, or padmasana or even can
sit on chair.

Now take your right hand make the Pranav mudra i.e. roll first two fingers
and put at the root of thumb, use your thumb and last two fingers for the

Exhale out the breath now close your right nostril with thumb, inhale through
left nostril, close your left nostril with last two fingers and exhale through
right nostril .

Again inhale through right nostril and exhale through left, this completes one

Repeat the process atleast for 30 rounds at a time.

Anulom vilom gives incredible results, highly recommended to practice in morning
in an open environment.

when we can lay down our fear and anger and choose response over aggression ,
we welcome prosperity, happiness and peace in our lives.

By Riddhi Maheshwari, Yoga Therapist (@riddhi_yoga)

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10 EASY YOGA ASANAS FOR DAILY WORKOUTS AND THEIR BENEFITS ]]> Mon, 20 Jun 2022 17:13:32 +0000 Yoga improves your strength and provides us flexibility. Yoga helps in balancing the body weight and promoting better posture. Yoga therapy relaxes your body and mind totally. This kind of therapy also increases blood flow to the heart muscles. The practice of yoga improves your bodies healing abilities.  Daily yoga workouts can improve your heart […]

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Yoga improves your strength and provides us flexibility. Yoga helps in balancing the body weight and promoting better posture. Yoga therapy relaxes your body and mind totally. This kind of therapy also increases blood flow to the heart muscles. The practice of yoga improves your bodies healing abilities.  Daily yoga workouts can improve your heart health and reduce stress levels, anxiety, depression and help us sleep better.

So, here are 10 easy yoga asanas for daily workouts and their benefits:

  1. SUKHASANA (THE EASY SITTING POSE): The Sukhasana is very easy to perform for people of all ages.


(a) It helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

(b) It improves focus and helps in being attentive.

(c) It strengthens the back muscles and improves body posture.

(d) It’s a relaxation therapy.

(e) It lengthens the spine and back muscles

  1. CHAKRAVAKASANA (CAT-COW POISE): Chakravakasana may be done as a part of a warm up sequence, a relaxation sequence, or as an exercise to prevent back pain.


(a) Sorts out weakness in upper body

(b) Treats lower back pain

(c) Provides relief from stress

(d) Arthritis or stiffness of the hips and spine

(e) Improves breathing capacity

  1. VRKSHASANA (THE TREE POSE): Vrkshasana is a Sanskrit term that combines the words Vriksha and Asana. Vriksha stands for tree, while Asana stands for posture.


(a) It strengthens the legs, and opens the hips

(b) It improves your neuromuscular coordination

(c) It helps with balance and increases the power of toleration

(d) It improves alertness and concentration

(e) It may help those who suffer from sciatica (nerve pain in the leg)

  1. ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA (DOWNWARD FACING DOG POSE): Adho Mukha Svanasana is a resting inversion pose that builds upper body strength and increases flexibility.


(a) Strengthening of the bones and, thus preventing osteoporosis.

(b) Improved flexibility through the hips, back, arms and legs.

(c) Strengthening of the wrists, arms, legs and shoulders.

(d) Straightening and lengthening of the spine.

(e) Stress relief, insomnia and headaches by improved blood flow.

  1. BALASANA (CHILD’S POSE): Balasasna is a great way to take a break and relax during your yoga practice, or anytime you feel tired. While bowing one’s forehead to the floor can often indicate surrender or weakness in the West, it is a dignified act of humility.


(a) Helps alleviate stress and anxiety

(b) Flexes the body’s internal organs and keeps them supple

(c) It stretches muscles, tendons and ligaments in the knee

(d) It gently stretches the hips, thighs and ankles

(e) Encourages strong and steady breathing

(f) Normalizes circulation throughout the body.

  1. EK PADA RAJAKAPOTASANA (THE PIGEON POSE): Ek Pada Rajakapotasana is a strong hip opener that improves flexibility throughout the body and prepares the yogi for more challenging poses in the king pigeon series.


(a) Opens the hip joint

(b) Helps with urinary disorder

(c) Stimulates the internal organs

(d) Increases hip flexibility

(e) Improves posture, alignment, and overall suppleness

(f) Diminishes lower back pain and stiffness.

  1. TADASANA (MOUNTAIN POSE): Tadasana centers your body and mind, which helps create a calm sense of inner peace. Standing in strong, steady, and centered in Tadasana helps to improve posture, alignment, and balance.


(a) Stimulates the Muladhara Chakra and therefore balances the functioning of large intestines and adrenals

(b) Increases strength, power and mobility in your feet, ankle, thigh and hips

(c) Strengthens the tendons and the ligaments of the feet (helping to reduce the effects of flat feet)

(d) Improves harmony between the right and lewft side of your body

(e) Activates and rejuvenates your entire body

(f) Improves overall posture.

  1. VIPARITA KARINI (LEG UP THE WALL POSE): Viparita Karini is a restorative yoga posture that allows the mind and body to relax, relieving stress and tension. It is one of the most approachable yoga poses as it doesn’t require much flexibility or strength. Even though it is a passive pose, its benefits are amazing.


(a) Regulates blood flow

(b) Alleviates menstrual cramps

(c) Improves digestion

(d) Restores tired feet or legs

(e) Relieves swollen ankles and varicose veins.

  1. VIRABHADRASANA 1 (WARRIOR 1): Virabhadrasana 1 is a standing yoga pose that helps build focus, power and stability.


(a) Strengthens your shoulders, arms, legs, ankles and back

(b) Opens yours hips, chest and lungs

(c) Improves focus, balance and stability

(d) Encourages good circulation and respiration

(e) Stretches your arms, legs, shoulders, neck, belly, groins and ankles

(f) Energizes the entire body.

10. VIRABHADRASANA 1 (WARRIOR 1): Virabhadrasana 1 is a standing yoga pose that helps build focus, power and stability.


(a) Strengthens your shoulders, arms, legs, ankles and back.

(b) Opens yours hips, chest and lungs.

(c) Improves focus, balance and stability.

(d) Encourages good circulation and respiration.

(e) Stretches your arms, legs, shoulders, neck, belly, groins and ankles.

(f) Energizes the entire body.

Inputs by- Rashee

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Three Basic Steps to start transforming any room ]]> Sat, 11 Jun 2022 09:23:28 +0000 Beginning a new thing and transforming a place can look difficult but it’s not impossible. If we plan and breakdown the process into steps, we can achieve them. So, let’s start transforming your living space with these 3 basic steps. There is a misconception that decorating a place is long and tedious process but by […]

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Beginning a new thing and transforming a place can look difficult but it’s not impossible. If we plan and breakdown the process into steps, we can achieve them. So, let’s start transforming your living space with these 3 basic steps. There is a misconception that decorating a place is long and tedious process but by following these steps, the actual transformation can happen in a smooth way.
You deserve to create the place of your dreams without spending much on hiring someone like very expensive like me ( just a joke ). For a professional look, obviously you need someone with more skills.

Let’s get started –

1. WALLS – Decorating any room or place is done in layers. I always start working on walls as they play an important role as the backdrop to our design concept. Color of walls are used to set a mood or make a statement. It can energize a room or have a calming effect, which means it can evoke emotional response to us, both mentally and physically.
Find an inspiration piece as your jumping-off point. Your inspiration can come from any artwork or a place you’ve just visited, create a vision board. Choose a color theme, get some more inspiration from magazines or home improvement stores near you. Once you decide on a color, you can select different combinations to balance and add depth in a room.
Most importantly, when it comes to paint, remember that it is not permanent and you can always change it, just like your life. Rules are certainly meant to be broken if they don’t cause any harm. You can come up with your own individual style if you try your own creativity.
Next thing to keep in mind is the size of the space and how much or little natural light it receives. Light in any form, whether it’s natural or artificial, it will affect the color. When working on walls, we have a variety to experiment with like paint, color, or texture. Also accent walls are always created to give a focal point in the room. An accent wall is the first wall that catches your eye when you walk into a room. You can try wood or stone, murals or wall papers to compliment walls. While creating an accent wall, if more than two-third of the wall is covered with windows and doors or shared by two rooms, don’t paint it to create a bold statement.

2. FURNITURE – Be realistic while choosing the furniture for your place. Think of the use of the place, how many people it needs to accommodate and who is going to use. Before making the final decisions on purchasing the furniture, measure the place as everything looks great in showroom, here you have to visualize the furniture within your own place.
Also measure the door openings and be aware of any tight corners to turn or narrow stairwells.
Look for multi-functional furniture to avoid overcrowding.
3. ACCESSORIES – Last but not the least step is where everything comes together to create a space that is a true reflection of you. Your walls might have the perfect wall covering and furniture is coming from the latest collection, but without the decorative accessories, something will be missing, it will look incomplete or I’ll say naked. Truly speaking, this is my favorite part as you don’t need much to spend in purchasing decorative pieces. You can rearrange old decor items or look into a nearby thrift store/local market too. Accessories in a home are the touches that give a room personality.
One mistake that most of the homeowners make is ignoring the type of bulb and wattage as this can affect the whole look of the room.

Now you are all set to give a transformation to your room or complete home. Don’t forget to add an area rug and throw pillows if you are planning to transform a living or bedroom.
Also as we are ready to try our hands on this new transformation, make a budget before going on any purchase as home improvement stores are full of new collections and we don’t want to stress ourselves.
Inputs by- Anju Kumari, Healing2peace

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Feeling hot? Seven must-have summer coolers that you can make at home ]]> Tue, 26 Apr 2022 11:21:58 +0000 Summer is the perfect time for drinking coolers/ drinks made from fresh and seasonal produce. Whether you’re relaxing poolside with your friends all day (discussing the latest TV shows or your latest career move) or enjoying a fruit-filled drink at a backyard barbecue, we agree that summer drinks and good company make this season more […]

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Summer is the perfect time for drinking coolers/ drinks made from fresh and seasonal produce. Whether you’re relaxing poolside with your friends all day (discussing the latest TV shows or your latest career move) or enjoying a fruit-filled drink at a backyard barbecue, we agree that summer drinks and good company make this season more enjoyable & memorable. So, to help you embrace all that summer offers (drink-wise, at least), we rounded up seven easy and delicious summer cooler recipes that you can make all season long.



  • Fennel seeds/ Green Sauf – 100gm
  • Elachi – 8-10pcs
  • Whole Pepper – 8-10 corns
  • Khadi shakkar – 100gm 


    • Mix all the ingredients and grind them in a mixer. This blend can then be stored for future use as well
    • To make the drink, add two tablespoons of the powder mix to a glass of water and refrigerate it for 1-2 hours. Letting the powder soak in the water allows the flavour to blend into the drink and gives it a refreshing flavour



  • Melon – 2cups, chopped
  • Cucumber – 2 cups, chopped
  • Fresh mint leaves – 10-12
  • Pink/black salt – 1/2 tsp
  • Sugar – 3 tsp (or to taste)
  • Jeera powder – 1/4 tsp
  • Pepper powder – 1/4 tsp


  • Add all ingredients into a blender and blend it till it becomes smooth. Next, add some chilled water and adjust the consistency to the desired level
  • Pour in tall glasses. Add chopped mint leaves and ice cubes & serve immediately



  • Ripe mango – 2 large
  • Basil leaves – 6pcs
  • Cinnamon powder – 1tsp
  • Sugar – 1tbsp (or to taste)


  • Wash the mangoes thoroughly and chop roughly. Now in a blender, add Mango pieces, Basil leaves, Cinnamon, sugar, and water
  • Blend to a fine juice consistency. You can also add 3-4 ice cubes
  • Transfer in a serving jug/pitcher and chill it before serving
  • Enjoy the refreshing drink – don’t forget to garnish it with fresh Basil or chopped Mango pieces



  • Honeydew melon – 300gm
  • Milk – 100ml
  • Vanilla ice cream – 2 scoops


  • Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth (about one minute)
  • Serve immediately



  • Jamun – Deseeded -3/4 cup
  • Curd – 200gm
  • Honey/ sugar -2tbsp
  • Crushed Ice – as required


  • In a mixing jar, blend Jamun and honey till smooth
  • Then add curd and ice. Keep churning it in a blender for a few more seconds
  • Pour into serving glasses and serve immediately



  • Black raisins – 10-15 (soaked overnight)
  • Lemon juice – 1tbsp
  • Cumin – 1tbsp powdered
  • Black salt – 1tsp or as preferred


  • Blend the soaked black raisins in the water until crushed well. Strain the same with a sieve
  • Add lemon juice, powdered cumin, and black salt to this juice
  • Chill this mixture in the refrigerator or add ice cubes to it. Alternatively, you can also have it at a room temperature
  • Serve and enjoy the natural goodness of the black raisin mocktail



  • Seedless watermelon – 2 cups, chopped
  • Cucumber – 1 cup, chopped
  • Lemon juice – 1tbsp
  • Honey -1tsp (as needed)
  • Ice
  • Cucumber slice for garnish


  • Puree the watermelon in a blender and strain the puree through a fine-mesh sieve
  • Next, puree the cucumber and strain it through the sieve into the watermelon juice
  • In a small bowl or measuring cup, stir the lime juice and honey together. Add this to the watermelon and cucumber juices, along with water
  • Adjust the sweetness with more honey if desired
  • To serve, fill glasses with ice and top each with a cocktail. Don’t forget to garnish with cucumber slices

 Authored by Ms. Minal Shah, Senior Nutrition Therapist, Fortis Hospital, Mulund




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Some Healthy Recipes In Honor Of World Health Day ]]> Thu, 07 Apr 2022 10:38:40 +0000 HEALTH IS WEALTH. There is nothing more crucial than health. When we are healthy we can smile, be happy, enjoy food and sleep well. If we eat healthy, we can stay healthy and fit forever. We all are familiar with the famous quote by Mahatma Gandhiji that “It is health that is real wealth and […]

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HEALTH IS WEALTH. There is nothing more crucial than health. When we are healthy we can smile, be happy, enjoy food and sleep well. If we eat healthy, we can stay healthy and fit forever. We all are familiar with the famous quote by Mahatma Gandhiji that “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”.

As we celebrate World Health Day today, here we have some healthy recipes for all the health conscious people out there..

  1. Multigrain Pancakes


1 cup rice flour , 1/2 cup semolina or suji, 1/2 cup gram flour or besan , 1/4 tsp black pepper
Salt to taste , 4tbsp sprouted green gram or mung beans, 4tbsp green peas , 4tbsp sweet corn , 2tbsp capsicum

Pancakes Recipe:

Take rice flour, gram flour or besan , semolina or suji , black pepper , salt in a bowl and prepare a dosa like batter but slightly thick than it (like uttapam batter). Mix all vegetables and sprouted green gram or mung beans with the batter. Grease a non-stick pan with oil. Pour six to seven small circular parts of the batter at a time and cook on medium flame. When the batter starts drying pour few drops oil on it and flip it over. Wait till it becomes golden brown and than serve it with green/schezwan chutney.

  1. Easy Suji Snack


1 cup suji/semolina, ¼ tsp carom seeds, ½ tsp black pepper powder, ½ tsp kasuri methi , ½ tsp salt
Water as per requirement, 2 tbsp of ghee or butter, Oil for frying or bake it in microwave or Oven

Suji snacks Recipe:

Take a large bowl and mix the semolina/suji, carom seeds, black pepper powder, kasuri methi, salt, ghee or butter and knead a soft dough and let It rest for 20 minutes as suji will absorb water. After few minutes again knead it well and then from the small balls make square shaped or diamond shaped or bow shaped snacks and then fry them or bake them.

  1. Green Pasta


For green sauce

2 bowls/cups of spinach , 1 bowl of coriander leaves, Add some cheese , Chilli flakes , ½ tsp black pepper powder
½ tsp oregano /Italian herbs [ make paste of spinach and coriander], 2 bowl/ cups of boiled Pasta


1 chopped onion, ½ chilli, ¼ broccoli, 2-3 french beans , ½ capsicum [ all veggies par boiled except onion], Salt to taste

Green Pasta Recipe

Take some oil in a pan and sauté the chopped onion and the add all the veggies. You can add more veggies of your choice. Now add the green paste or sauce and sauté well and add chilli flakes, black pepper powder, oregano, cheese and salt to taste and mix well and cook it well for 2-3 minutes. Healthy green pasta is ready to serve.

  1. Full on Protein Sandwich


1 Multi grain bread, ½ bow Hung curd, Some small pieces of Paneer or grated paneer , Some Cheese , 2 tbsp of Mayonnaise , 2-3 tsp Green mung sprouts, ½ Chopped capsicum, 1 Chopped onions, ½ Chopped tomato , ½ Chopped cucumber

Salt and red chilli powder and other masalas of your choice

Green coriander and mint chutney

Protein Sandwich Recipe

Mix all the ingredients and add the masala and salt as per your taste. Then spread the chutney on bread slice and then spread the mixture and the cover it with another slice of bread and grill it properly. It is a full on healthy recipe.

  1. Grilled Bakhri Sandwich


Make 4-6 bakhri’s from wheat flour or multi grain flour

For the filling

3-4 Boiled and mashed potatoes , ½ Boiled green peas, ½ finely chopped carrot [par boiled], Chopped coriander , Some mint leaves , Salt to taste , ½ tsp red chilli, ½ tsp cumin /jeera powder , ½ tsp chaat masala

Grilled Bakhri Recipe

Take some oil in a pan and sauté all the ingredients of filling. Now take one bakhri and spread the filling made on it and cover it with another bakhri and grill it on tawa or a griller or in a microwave. One more healthy recipe to eat and enjoy.


Inputs by- Rashee Bhagwanani

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Dr. Harsha Hotchandani Shares Tips For Correct Posture For Adults And Some General Health Tips For Kids ]]> Thu, 07 Apr 2022 10:03:52 +0000 On this World Health Day, I would like to put a glimpse on a word that is- Posture.  In this era full of technology people are spending hours sitting on a chair working in front of screen which is unknowingly putting excess pressure towards the spine which ultimately leads to poor posture that results in […]

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On this World Health Day, I would like to put a glimpse on a word that is- Posture. 
In this era full of technology people are spending hours sitting on a chair working in front of screen which is unknowingly putting excess pressure towards the spine which ultimately leads to poor posture that results in severe health hazards.
So here are a few tips for all of my friends who work for hours sitting at one place.
1. Keep moving yourself on between work to avoid continuous pressure on the spine.
2. Mild stretching of neck and back during the break time.
3. If possible cushion your seat well to avoid that excess pressure.
4. Keep yourself well hydrated.
Even the kids went through a tough time past 2 years,
so here are a few tips for our future generation’s general health:
1. Practice meditation for 5 mins daily with your kid to relieve the stress from their body and mind.
2. Take a walk in the park with your kids (bare foot) and ask them to look at the green grass which will soothe their eyes.
3. Give them diet rich in calcium for healthy bones and spine.
4. Most important maintain proper hydration through out the day.
5. Reduce their screen time and check their posture while they watch.
Dr. Harsha Hotchandani

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Superfoods That We Must Have In Our Diet ]]> Mon, 14 Mar 2022 11:01:51 +0000 As the pace of civilization is accelerated, more have we become prone to ills of the rapid growth. Changes in weather, diet patterns and lack of physical activities has led to more health issues and problems. What choices do we all have that can protect us from the tentacles of illness. Maybe it’s time to […]

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As the pace of civilization is accelerated, more have we become prone to ills of the rapid growth. Changes in weather, diet patterns and lack of physical activities has led to more health issues and problems. What choices do we all have that can protect us from the tentacles of illness.
Maybe it’s time to go back to our own roots, with advent of social media more and more people are becoming aware of golds mine of our ancestors’ practices. As the famous saying goes what’s goes inside comes outside, Diet is one of the main pillars of our health. The advocates of good living would tell you if we can control what we eat or at least modify some food patterns it can go a long way in getting a better and long healthy life. Let’s try to dig around and find some superfoods that’s are already present in our parents’ kitchen.

Moringa powder:
Moringa or drumstick as it’s called in major part of India has been used for centuries due to its medicinal properties and health benefits. It has antifungal, antiviral, antidepressant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Moringa is native to India but also grows in Asia and Africa. Moringa contains many healthful compounds such as: vitamin A, vitamin B1(thiamine), B2(riboflavin), B3 (niacin), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.
It is said to have many benefits like-nourishing skin and hair, protecting liver, preventing cancer, healthy bones, control asthma, diabetes, anti-ageing etc.

Recipes- Moringa powder can be added to lemon tea or can be added in cold ice tea. There are many Indian recipes to cook delicious items with moringa powder as an ingredient. Just google Or YouTube for all the yummy recipes

Jackfruit is again one of the vegetables (or fruits) which is native to India and part of Indian diet since ages. Its rich in nutrients like: Dietary fiber, Protein, Potassium, Calcium, Carbohydrate, Folate, Iron, Vitamin C
It’s considered to be low glycemic food and good source of anti-oxidants which helps improving immunity and fighting diseases. It’s recommended to regulate blood pressure, good heart health, better digestion, strengthen bone, control asthma, ulcer etc.

Recipes: As it’s common in many Indian household’s jackfruit can be made as a yummy vegetable dish. Many a places ripe jackfruit is eaten as a fruit and no doubt it tastes yummy

It’s also known as wood apple or stone apple is native to India and southeast Asia. Bael has been part of Indian house for treating digestion related problems and especially recommended during summers. The ripe fruit is sweet, aromatic, and cooling. The tree’s wood is yellowish white and hard but not durable. Its considered to be rich in Protein, Fibre, Fat, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C etc.
Its recommend to improve digestion, reduce cholesterol, Diarrhoea, reducing diabetes, skin problems etc.

Recipes: Bael candies are one of my favorites, its also consumed as juice or sharbat drink during summers in most part of India. Lesser-known recipes are bael ice-cream or bael fruit burfi.

Elephant foot yam:
This tube-shaped vegetable better known as suran or jimikand is considered a specialty in many Indian houses. Its primarily grown in India, Southwest Asia and Africa. It’s considered a powerhouse of nutrients which includes – protein, zinc, phosphorous, potassium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A and calcium. Its usage is recommended for controlling cholesterol, diabetes, weight control, arthritis, improving digestion, hypertension etc.

Recipes: Its mainly eaten as vegetables in Indian kitchen and almost all parts of the India has at least one delicious recipe made of suran. Pickle made of jimikand is also recommended as it tastes superb.


*Disclaimer: Please use your own discretion while using any of the above items and if on any medication consult your doctor before using any of these. All care has been taken to provide information present in public domain and references are listed. These should not be considered replacement for any medication.
Author or The Pink Journey won’t be responsible for any liabilities

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GardenGram Shares Insights On How to choose a houseplant? ]]> Tue, 01 Mar 2022 10:44:59 +0000 Bringing home, a plant for the first time is both; a responsibility as well as an opportunity. When you take care of a plant, a plant takes care of you in many ways too. This happy relationship should be sustained right from the beginning. More than often, we all end up buying plants which we […]

The post GardenGram Shares Insights On How to choose a houseplant? appeared first on The Pink Journey.

Bringing home, a plant for the first time is both; a responsibility as well as an opportunity. When you take care of a plant, a plant takes care of you in many ways too. This happy relationship should be sustained right from the beginning.

More than often, we all end up buying plants which we find attractive or on sale. The key to buying a houseplant is not always dependent on its physical attributes or its benefits, rather a perfect combination of both of these combined with a thorough understanding of the surroundings for your plant.

Let us get you started on choosing the right houseplant for you.

The foremost factor to be considered is space. 

Choose where you want to keep your plant and then continue the process of purchase. Deciding where your plant would go after you’ve purchased it is the wrong way to go about it. The size, the type and even the lifespan of the plant are dependent on this. The plant needs its own space to breathe.

  • Trying too hard to fit in plants in a corner will hinder their flow of air. Good airflow helps them to survive longer with healthier foliage & longer stems. It also reduces humidity and reduces the risk of diseases.
  • Places with better airflow such as hallways, window sides and even table tops help plants thrive better.
  • Maintaining a space of 6” between any other surface or furniture and your plants is considered ideal.
  • If it is going to be a room with no windows or natural light supply, try and bring the plant in contact with the same once in a while.

    The second most crucial factor affecting your decision is lighting.While natural lighting is the main source that plants need, the degree of the same affects different plants, differently.

    • Places with full sun, mostly experienced through south facing windows, can be too harsh for some and manageable for others. Mostly succulents are the ones that can thrive in full sun.
    • There are spaces with next to perfect combination, i.e., partial sun and shade. Such spots receive direct sunlight for some hours of the day and then are left with only the shade. Flowering plants survive & grow the best in this situation.
    • The next category is the one with partial light or full shade. Most of the plants resist these conditions and die easily. But there are some plants like the Snake plantSpider plantor the Zz plant that can easily grow in these conditions and low-maintenance as well.
    • Then, there are spaces which are bright but blessed with indirect sunlight This is the ideal situation required by most of your foliage and flowering plants. This kind of space gives you much more liberty to choose from a wide-variety of plants available.
      The next determining factor for you to choose your next houseplant is the temperature of your room. A plant’s survival rate is only as good as its ecosystem. While the dependency of a houseplant is greater than that of an outdoor plant, these factors still fall in our control unlike those for the outdoor plants. The temperature of the room directly affects the growth & stiffness of your plant.

      • While spring & summer room temperatures are ideal for your houseplants, the other seasons can be a bit demanding.
      • The presence of artificial room temperature controlling mechanisms such as the air conditioner or the heater also affect your plant. While air conditioners slow the process of the plant’s soil to dry, heaters will accelerate the same.
      • The key lies in the balance in this case. Observe how your plant reacts to different temperatures and make adjustments accordingly.

      The quality of your plant & the soil it was planted in also affects the growth of your plant. It is always better to go for home-grown plants from a trusted brand/store rather than buying them as a mere décor piece. A mindful decision taken before the purchase will help you sustain the purchase for longer.

      Written by- GardenGram

The post GardenGram Shares Insights On How to choose a houseplant? appeared first on The Pink Journey.

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